A smiling cartoon waving a greeting

What The Hell Kind Of Dot Com Is This?

There's no tracking scripts and cookie junk and nobody here is asking for anybody's email address because this domain is a public service reminder of what the web was like before it became overly commercialized and content was relativily ad free compared to today where some sites have more ads than actual content. Heinous ads that want to latch on to your browser and follow it around on the internets gathering data on your activities to report back to their Mother Corporations. Pages load faster without all that crap and content is delivered more readily, whatever content abounds, skimpy as it may be in some spots around here.

Nobody here wants your money nor is anyone here interested in your comings & goings around the internets. Happy to have you stop by and always wish you the best when you have to go.

» Comments (0) | Posted by: Tek Vahana

        the smoking caterpillar

So, What's The Deal Here?

The deal is that by any use this domain you are agreeing that nobody here is responsible for any problems that may derive from your use of sites within this domain. If you see something you don't like, nobody can un-see that for you, so best of luck if you discover you have to try. For any snowflake who is easily offended we guarantee, in compensation, at least twice the nothing we get for doing this. Like it or not, that is the ONLY guarantee to be found here. If that is not enough we have a handy Buthurt Report Form you are free to print and fill out.

All materials shared our media page are released under a Creative Commons license of attribution, nonprofit, no derivatives or else one of attribution, nonprofit, share alike. Any copyrights are retained by the copyright owners.

A tiger avatar

Only ONE Green World

This domain is paid for by one old US Yippie from The Mayday Tribe as an exercise of his first amendment rights and as a public service reminder of how the internets used to be before all were overly commercialized by corporations that care far more about exploitation for profits than for the public, much less the planetary, good.

Liberty Calling

Old Glory Has Colors Three

The Reds and the Blues in the good ol' USA forget there's another color on Old Glory in their Buy-Partisan frenzy to get as little as possible done for the working class and everything they can accomplish for their corporate overlords. This domain is mainly for the folks who are neither Red nor Blue. For those who choose to be a star or a stripe. Or both. It is also for those who prefer to be neither a white star nor a white stripe because, just like Kermit, they know how hard it is to be green.

Avatar of Anonymous in cap and gown


This domain is for those who do not look at the world through partisan tunnel vision and can readily laugh at the foibles of both major US parties just as much as most of the rest of the planet has been doing for quite awhile now. It is also for those who prefer data over dogma, not to mention those blessed ones who have a very healthy sense of humor because theirs is all mostly found between the lines in the first place anyway.

Avatar of a Ku Klux Klown hiding in robes and behind his mask


This domain is NOT here for asskissers, authoritarians, bigots, bootlickers, church ladies, dim bulbs, ditto-heads, fascists, fundamentalists, haters, hatriots, jackwads, malignant narcissists, moonbats, muggles, racists, religious zealots, smegheads, self-righteous sour pusses, tories, trolls, or any wingnuts. Any visitors afflicted with any of these personality disorders and/or character defects are encouraged to use their very own private back button (or handiest bookmark) to GFTO right now before they see something that makes their blood pressure go up. Or, even more painful, see something that makes them actually think outside their comfy little boxes. The Internet Archive and LibriVox both have plenty of stuff safer to their world view than anything they'll find around here. This way to the EGRESS and have a nice day!

» Comments (0) | Posted by: Tek Vahana

Site Time Line:

22 June 2021:
At 10:40 tonight an unmasked Yippie started goofing with the code from this template with a mind to using it as the gateway to some wackadoo memesy were the slythee troves web site replete with gobs of dark, snarky humor and a few things that are way too crazy because they are far, far too true.

22 Jul 2007:
At 10:08pm last night a masked criminal ran off with our color palette. If you witnessed this crime please dont tell a soul.

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